There's much to see . So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about the Fay Wood Studio. This page shows the oil paintings on canvas portfolio. There is the Tapestries of My Mind series; objects wrapped in a variety of fabrics and used as models for painting - the Garden series ;Four Seasons & Johns Nash are examples - and The Platte Clove series; a group of river paintings of a local watering spot. I hope you like them!
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A portfolio of oil painting on canvas
"Wrapped red Bowl" Oil on canvas $2500.00
When you purchase original oil paintings by Fay Wood you will have a unique piece made with a great deal of skill & patience. Wood has been making art since the 1960's ; you will be joining a large group of collectors with discerning taste . All the oil paintings are for sale .
The painting above is titled Framingham Bike. A recent winner of a competition..."Keep on Rollin' - Machines with Wheels, Kate kelly ,(JUROR)
We love to talk with art lovers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours. Please call for an appointment ; we would like you to see the original oil paintings for sale - they are a beautiful addition to a collection. Still - life or abstractions are available.
We are open by appointment